Business Visitor - Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters.

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Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters.

Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters. If you would like to learn about US and Canadian immigration matters you have came to the right place to read blogs.

A Business Visitor is someone who enters Canada on business purposes but does not actually enter the Canadian Labour Market. Instead, their activities are related to international business.

Do you qualify to be a Business Visitor?


You want/need to travel to Canada for business? What is a business visitor? What can you do as a business visitor? What do you need to bring? How do I enter?

What is a business visitor?

Business visitors usually stay in Canada for a few days or a few weeks, but are able to stay for up to 6 months to:

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All About Hiring an Immigration Representative


Do You Want to Immigrate to Canada in 2019

As you may know, Canada’s education and living conditions attract many foreign nationals to visit, study, and work. Furthermore, the multiculturalism in Canada is one of the essential reasons that drives one's longing to move. After they have experienced the beauty of Canada, they may consider settling down permanently in Canada. While numerous individuals are contemplating moving to Canada, they may be thinking about looking for assistance from an immigration representative to make the immigration process more smoothly. Indeed, here comes the most significant inquiry: is hiring a representative necessary? In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of hiring an immigration representative and how to avoid immigration fraud immigration fraud.

Who are Immigration Representatives

Immigration Immigration may be difficult and complicated, especially if you are not family with Canadian immigration law. If you are struggling with your application, you may be able to seek guidance from a representative. An Immigration and citizenship representative’s job duties include but are not limited to:

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Business Visitor FAQ


Who are Business Visitors

Business visitors are individuals who travel to Canada to participate in particular business activities, such as meetings, conferences, and on-site investigations. In order to legally work in Canada, most individuals need a work permit. However, business visitors do not need a work permit. More specifically, the major difference between a business visitor and a business person is that a business person is making a salary from a Canadian company and participating in activities which are beyond the scope of a business visitor’s permitted activities. A business visitor, on the other hand, does not directly work for a Canadian company, but rather visits Canada to participate in activities that are related to international business. At this point, you may be wondering what specific factors qualify you as a business visitor. In this blog, you will learn relevant information about business visitors.

What Can a Business Visitor Do

A business visitor is someone who enters Canada to participate in international business activities, without directly interfering with the Canadian labour market. That being said, a business visitor are permitted to:

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We Can Help With Your Applications


How to Avoid Common Application Mistakes

The number one reason applications are refused is because they are riddled with mistakes. These applications are difficult applications to pursue on your own, because, if you are unfamiliar with the process, there is a good chance you overlook certain details and submit an imperfect application. Unfortunately for applicants, the Canadian Government is not interesting in assisting others file applications; this is why they recommend you consult an immigration specialist, or a lawyer. It often comes as a surprise when an application which is incomplete is returned and refused, without any ability to re-submit it and pick up where it left off. However, one needs to understand, immigration and border protection cannot be taken lightly. Applications must be complete and robust for the security of Canada as a whole. Therefore, it makes sense that when an application is complete, it cannot simply be approved. Furthermore, the Canadian government has to devote all its time and resources to processing and approving complete applications for individuals who truly deserve to fulfill their long-worked-for-wish of immigrating to Canada. Everyone who submits an application to immigration can understand, the wait time are agonizing at the best of times, and they would not like to think their applications are being inefficient they are spending too much time processing applications. Ultimately, we have created this article to help applicants have an easier time submitting applications which will not be returned and refused, and get everyone working together to help Canadian border officers process more files successfully.

1. Always check country specific requirements before submitting your application.

Regardless of the type of application you are submitting, whether it be for permanent residence, or for temporary residence, please take the time to do this. Depending on the country and the type of application you are submitting, you could need to submit additional documents. Or for example, you could have to submit originals of some documents which other countries are only required to submit a copy of. If you do not submit original documents when required, your application will be returned as incomplete.

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Entering Canada as a Business Visitor


Coming to Canada with an Agenda?

Have you been considering coming to Canada for a business trip. Or, more likely, you have a plan in mind to come to Canada in the near future, and you’re not sure whether the activities you’re coming to Canada for, qualify was a “business endeavor” or “working.” Sometimes, it is very difficult to know the difference between activities and something that seems like a simple visit, even if you’re going to take care of a couple of things you had planned on doing while you’re here. Though, it is important to know that the Canadian government considers anyone who enters Canada with the intention participating in business-like activities, a business visitor.

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How to Work in Canada Without a Work Permit

How to Work in Canada Without a Work Permit

Foreign Nationals can Work in Canada Without a Work Permit

In most circumstances in Canada, a foreign national will need to obtain a work permit prior to working in Canada; if not, they would be working in Canada illegally and this can lead to further consequences. However, luckily, there are some circumstances where a foreign national can work in Canada without the need to obtain a work permit. It is very important to know the types of work that do not require a work permit before starting work. Therefore, in this article, I will explain certain circumstances in Canada that allow foreign nationals to work in Canada without a work permit.

Certain Work that does not Require a Work Permit

Before I explain in detail what kinds of work do not require a work permit, I will outline and list most of the possible work scenarios in Canada that do not require a work permit. The list is as follows:

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Business Visitor Visa and Qualifications

Business Visitor Visa and Qualifications

Steps to How to Qualify for a Business Visitor Visa

In order to qualify as a Business Visitor in Canada, there are several requirements that you must meet. Additionally, if you are coming to Canada from a country that requires a visa to enter Canada, you must still apply for a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) prior to entering Canada. The TRV will allow visitors to Canada entry, even visitors that are entering Canada for business purposes. In this article, I will explain who qualifies as a business visitor, the eligibility requirements for a business visitor visa, how to apply for a business visitor visa, and steps after applying for a business visitor visa.

Who Qualifies as a Business Visitor

A business visitor is defined as an individual that is a foreign national that visits Canada with the intention of participating in activities which are related to an international business. Furthermore, these individuals do not directly go into the labour market of Canada. A business visitor often participates in business meetings, conferences or conducts site visitations to make observation. Additionally, they may also attend product or sales training that is conducted by the company in Canada or by a distributor; deal with an after sales agreement; and/or buy goods in Canada for a foreign company.

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How to write an Invitation Letter

How to write an Invitation Letter

Who is a Business Visitor?

To be considered a Business Visitor to Canada you need to be only engaging in international activities without directly entering the Canadian labour market. So these are individuals that come to attend business meetings, conferences, lectures, come for training in the Canadian parent company, come to train staff in the Canadian branch, buy Canadian goods or service, give after sales service or they come to be trained by the Canadian company for a product or service they purchased. To demonstrate your bona fida Business Visitor it would help to include a Business Invitation Letter from the employer in Canada.

Business Invitation Letter

Business Visitors do not require a work permit and therefore having an invitation letter from the person that is inviting you is highly recommended. The Business Invitation Letter should include the following information:

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© Akrami & Associates

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How to write a Business Invitation Letter

How to write a Business Invitation Letter

Business Visitor Letter

It’s very common these days to know about Visitor Visa to Canada for tourism, meeting family members and so on. But a lot of people are not aware of business category of visit visa to Canada. Some people ask questions about coming to Canada as a visitor. However, they do not know what is required of them to come to Canada as a Business Visitor. This blog will cover what is needed to apply for Business Visitor Visa and also we will discuss how to draft a Letter of Invitation to invite someone to visit Canada as a business visitor. It is important to know the first step to apply for Business Visitor Visa as it is the first and foremost essential element of your application process for this visa category.

Who is a Business Visitor?

First we need to know who is a Business Visitor or could be considered a Business Visitor to Canada. People who are potential investors or business partners are considered in this category as Business Visitors. If you want to come to Canada for any other reason apart from business purpose, you could apply under Visitor Visa category and explain your reasons for visiting Canada. Business Visitor Visa is an application that specifically explains the business endeavors of an individual and how it could be a benefit to Canada if the individual visits Canada and decides to spend time and money if everything works out. A Business Visitor is an individual who comes to Canada to solely engage themselves in international business activities without having to apply directly to the Canadian labour market. A good example could be an individual coming to Canada to meet up with people from companies doing business with his or her company back home is considered a business visitor. Visitors come to Canada normally to observe site visits at the same time another reason a Canadian company could invite them over to Canada is for training in product use, also because of sales or other functions relating to a business transaction. Business Visitors must demonstrate that the main source of income and place of business for them are outside Canada.

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© Akrami & Associates

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How to get a Business Visitor Visa to Canada

Every year, thousands of international business people come to Canada temporarily in search of new and exciting business opportunities, for investment purposes or to advance existing business interests and relationships. Under the Business Visitor Visa, foreigners can apply to come and visit Canada to do business with world-class Canadian companies.

Under the Business Visitor visa, foreigners who seek to engage in international business activities in Canada without directly entering the Canadian labour market can apply to come and visit Canada for a short time. It allows eligible applicants to explore dynamic business opportunities, participate in trade conferences, meet with Canadian counter-parts in Canada as well as experience Canadian culture and hospitality. If applicants wish to come to Canada to travel, visit attractions, enjoy leisure activities and explore business options, the Business Visitor visa is best suited for them.

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  2200 Hits

Canadian Business Visitor Visa and Business Letter

Business Visitor Visa

The business visitor visa allows you to temporarily immigrate to Canada for less than six months for business purposes pertaining to your international business. As the business visitor to Canada your activities have to be pertaining to your international business. As the owner of the visitor business you can attend business meeting or conferences, buy good for your foreign company, deal with after sales agreements and attend sales and product training which must be done by the Canadian company or distributor.

It is important to note that a business visa does not have a separate application. If you are not from a visa exempt country, you would have to submit the same application as the temporary resident visa. Visiting for business reason increases your credibility, as it gives you a valid reason to tell the officer and gain entry into Canada.

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Business Visitor

Business Visitor

There are several thousand business people who come into Canada to do business with Canadians and their companies per year. Most of the Business Visitor applications are taken care of at the port of entry, which makes it extremely important that you have all of your paper work in a proper and organized manner.

Business Activities Within Canada Can Include Things Like:

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