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Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters.

Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters. If you would like to learn about US and Canadian immigration matters you have came to the right place to read blogs.

All About Hiring an Immigration Representative


Do You Want to Immigrate to Canada in 2019

As you may know, Canada’s education and living conditions attract many foreign nationals to visit, study, and work. Furthermore, the multiculturalism in Canada is one of the essential reasons that drives one's longing to move. After they have experienced the beauty of Canada, they may consider settling down permanently in Canada. While numerous individuals are contemplating moving to Canada, they may be thinking about looking for assistance from an immigration representative to make the immigration process more smoothly. Indeed, here comes the most significant inquiry: is hiring a representative necessary? In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of hiring an immigration representative and how to avoid immigration fraud immigration fraud.

Who are Immigration Representatives

Immigration Immigration may be difficult and complicated, especially if you are not family with Canadian immigration law. If you are struggling with your application, you may be able to seek guidance from a representative. An Immigration and citizenship representative’s job duties include but are not limited to:

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Self Employed Immigration Information


How Do I Immigrate as a Self Employed Individual?

You may have done some digging into how to immigrate to Canada as a permanent resident, and noticed that unless you are coming to Canada while being sponsored by a family member or loved one, or applying for refugee status, almost all paths to permanent residency require the applicant to have a valid job offer before they will be able to apply successfully. Though, if you are a self-employed individual, it may not be in your agenda to work as an employee. You may see a keen opportunity to open your business in Canada, and you may want to act now. If this is the case, you should be aware the options are minimal, but there are ways in which you can immigrate to Canada as a self-employed individual. Throughout this article, we will work to help you understand how to go about immigrating to Canada as a self-employed individual.

What is Self Employed Immigration?

Well, as the name suggests, it is the way in which a self-employed individual immigrates to Canada, not because they have a valid job offer to support their permanent residency, but because they have promised to start a business upon their arrival in Canada and proved to be capable of doing so to an immigration officer when applying for permanent residency. To be eligible for this program, there are fairly strict requirements, though, this program is not to be overlooked; it presents a very unique opportunity to immigrate to Canada. Specifically, an individual who wishes to apply through the Self-employed immigration program must have relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics. These are the areas of the Canadian economy the Canadian government has determined are in need of assistance self-employed immigration can offer, whereas other sectors are not in need of assistance.

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Apply for a Start Up Visa


What is a Start-up Visa?

There is a very unique immigration opportunity available to individuals who are entrepreneurs and have an innovative business idea. The startup visa program, as it sounds, helps individuals who are interested in coming to Canada to start a business which has a good chance of success, accomplish this and become permanent residents of Canada. There is a very selective application process for this type of visa, because the Canadian government must be convinced your business idea actually has a good chance at success. If this cannot be expected, the Canadian government will not allow you to apply for permanent residency through the startup visa program. Keep reading this article if you are an entrepreneurial individual with an eye on the Canadian market, and would like to live in Canada. The startup visa program may be just the option for you.

How Do I Know I am Eligible for the Startup Visa Program?

In short, to be eligible for the Start-up Visa Program, you must have a qualifying business, prove your business is properly supported by a designated organization, meet the language requirements as an individual applicant and bring with you enough money to settle in Canada.

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Canadian Investor Program


Changes to the Canadian Investor Program

One of the most unique immigration programs offered by the Canadian government has changed in the last couple of years. It is important to Akrami and Associates, that not only the immigration professionals are able to keep up with the changes, but also that we help our clients keep up with the changes as well. Therefore, this article will cover the changes which have taken place over the Canadian Investor program, formally known as the Federal Immigrant Investors and Entrepreneurs program. It has now become the Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Pilot Program, and more than just the name has changed.

If you have Already Applied under the Former Federal Immigrant Investors and Entrepreneurs program…

Unfortunately, with the termination of the Federal Immigrant Investors and Entrepreneurs program, many applications were also terminated. If a decision was not made on your application before February 11, 2014, your application would have been terminated, and the fees should have been returned. The only exception to this is applications made under the Quebec Investor Program and the Quebec Entrepreneur Program.

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Bring Your Innovative Business Idea to Canada


If I am a Foreign National, How do I Start a Business in Canada?

If you’re thinking about starting a business in Canada, you probably know that anyone who even wishes to work in Canada must have a work permit. This may lead you to understand, you’ll probably need some special documentation if you’re going to start a business in Canada. At the very least you’ll need a work permit, but what else? Canada truly is a land of opportunity. That is why this article will break down the process of starting a business in Canada to ensure you go about this exciting endeavor by following all the regulations set out by the Immigration and Refugees Protections Act (IRPA).

What is a Start-Up Visa?

A start-up visa is exactly what it sounds like; it is a visa which gives you permission to start-up a company. This visa was designed for entrepreneurs. The goal was to help those with creative minds come to Canada if they wish to help the Canadian economy grow. Technically, a start-up visa is not permanent status, though; it does give good, direct opportunity for individuals to become a permanent resident once they have one. Essentially, a start up visa is a method of business immigration. Nevertheless, a startup visa technically authorizes temporary stays.

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Who Can Apply under the Canadian Business Class

Who Can Apply under the Canadian Business Class

Business Class – Self-Employed

It is possible to apply under the Business Class category for Permanent Resident status in Canada in the following streams: Start-Up Visa (Entrepreneur), Immigrant Investor, and Self-Employed. This article will focus on the latter. Read on to find information on eligibility requirements, selection criteria, and financial qualifications for the Self-Employed stream.

Canada Business Class Eligibility Requirements


First and perhaps most important, there is a list of eligible occupations for the Business Class Self-Employed stream taken from the National Occupational Classification (NOC). If you are planning to apply under this stream, you will have to have experience in one of the following occupations. Each occupation listed in the chart also states the NOC number:

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