Denied Entry into Canada - Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters.

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Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters.

Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters. If you would like to learn about US and Canadian immigration matters you have came to the right place to read blogs.

Reasons for inadmissibility apart from criminality


When foreign nationals are looking to come to Canada, they must first make sure that they are not inadmissible. Inadmissibility comes in forms other than criminality. Continue reading below to learn how you can be denied entry to Canada for reasons other than criminality

A foreign national can be denied entry to Canada and deemed inadmissible for any of the following reasons and must obtain the proper authorization to re-enter or come to Canada.

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Omitting Information about your Criminality


Lying about your Criminality

Often times, individuals may think that disclosing too much information will result in the refusal of the application. As such, they may intentionally omit or provide false information regarding specific aspects of their application. If you are a foreign individual who has criminal inadmissibility, and you decide to lie or not to disclose information about your criminality to an Immigration officer when entering Canada, you may face consequences that are more severe than the refusal of your application. It is, therefore, highly recommended that you need to be honest with Immigration, Refugees, Citizenship Canada at all time. Do not ever think you can get away from being inspected, as immigration officers do have the ability and authority to check entire your criminal record. In this blog, you will learn about the importance of being honest with Immigration, Refugees, Citizenship Canada.

Honesty is the Best Policy

If an immigration officer asks you about your criminality, it is important for you to answer all questions correctly and directly. This also applies to situations where you merely have a minor charge. When you encounter such situation, the immigration officer usually tests you to see whether or not you will respond accurately to the questions. You should, however, always keep in mind that you may still be denied entry to Canada, even if you do disclose the correct information. In order to prevent that from happening, you may apply for a Temporary Resident Permit or a Criminal RehabilitationCriminal Rehabilitation before attempting to enter Canada to overcome your criminal inadmissibility.

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Omitting Information about your Criminality


Lying about your Criminality

Often times, individuals may think that disclosing too much information will result in the refusal of the application. As such, they may intentionally omit or provide false information regarding specific aspects of their application. If you are a foreign individual who has criminal inadmissibility, and you decide to lie or not to disclose information about your criminality to an Immigration officer when entering Canada, you may face consequences that are more severe than the refusal of your application. It is, therefore, highly recommended that you need to be honest with Immigration, Refugees, Citizenship Canada at all time. Do not ever think you can get away from being inspected, as immigration officers do have the ability and authority to check entire your criminal record. In this blog, you will learn about the importance of being honest with Immigration, Refugees, Citizenship Canada.

Honesty is the Best Policy

If an immigration officer asks you about your criminality, it is important for you to answer all questions correctly and directly. This also applies to situations where you merely have a minor charge. When you encounter such situation, the immigration officer usually tests you to see whether or not you will respond accurately to the questions. You should, however, always keep in mind that you may still be denied entry to Canada, even if you do disclose the correct information. In order to prevent that from happening, you may apply for a Temporary Resident Permit or a Criminal Rehabilitation before attempting to enter Canada to overcome your criminal inadmissibility.

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Important Information About Authorization To Return To Canada Applications


Do You Need an Authorization to Return to Canada?

Have you previously been ordered to leave Canada, and are now wondering what this means for your ability to visit the country again? Being ordered to leave Canada is one of the many reasons an individual may be considered inadmissible to the country, and ultimately not be allowed to enter the country. You will know that you have been ordered to leave Canada if you receive a removal order from Canadian immigration services. If this sounds like the circumstances you face, there is good news! Akrami and Associates has plenty of experience evaluating the unique circumstances individuals may face, and helping each one solve their issue of being inadmissible to the country. Keep reading to find out if you will likely need an authorization to return to Canada (ARC), before you are permitted to enter the country again.

What Is an Authorization to Return to Canada?

An authorization to return to Canada (ARC) is a document any individual who has received a removal order from Canadian immigration services most likely needs, though, there are exceptions. In other words, an ARC is needed for any individual who travels to Canada and fails to comply with the requirements set out in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA). One can fail to comply with the requirements set out in IRPA by staying longer than the standard 6 months individuals are allowed to stay, or longer than is permitted according to their visitor’s visa in their specific circumstance. One can also violate IRPA regulations by working or studying in Canada while they are not permitted to do so, for example. Violating the regulations set out in IRPA do not simply trigger your removal from Canada, it is most likely that following this occurrence, you will require an authorization to return to Canada before you are allowed to enter the country. To be clear, you are often considered inadmissible to Canada if you violate the regulations of the IRPA. An ARC overcomes your status as inadmissible if you are inadmissible as the result of a removal order.

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Does Canada Accept Foreign Country’s Pardons

Does Canada Accept Foreign Country’s Pardons

Foreign Country’s Pardons Recognized in Canada

There are several foreign nationals all over the world that would like to visit Canada and experience what the country has to offer. However, should that foreign national have a criminal record or a criminal offence in their country of origin then the chances of them entering Canada is slim. In Canada, a foreign national will become inadmissible if they have a criminal history in or outside of Canada. In this article, I will be primarily speaking on behalf of criminal offences made outside of Canada and how this affects foreign nationals wishing to enter Canada. I will also discuss whether or not Canada will accept a foreign country’s pardon and if that individual would still be inadmissible to Canada if they do have a pardon.

Criminally Inadmissible to Canada

In Canada, if you have a criminal offence or a criminal history from a different country, you will be deemed criminally inadmissible to Canada and will not be permitted entry into Canada. Luckily, Canada also gives these inadmissible individuals the opportunity to overcome their inadmissibility to Canada by applying for a Criminal Rehabilitation application. In order to apply for a Criminal Rehabilitation, you must show sufficient evidence to Immigration that shows your convictions and the completion of any sentences of said convictions. You may also include any evidence that shows you have indeed changed your lifestyle for the better since the convictions.

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