How to Sponsor your Spouse to Canada - Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters.

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How to Sponsor your Spouse to Canada

How to Sponsor your Spouse to Canada

Steps to Sponsor your Spouse to Canada

Before you can sponsor your spouse to Canada, there are several different factors that you should consider. Some factors include your eligibility to sponsor, the type of relationship you will indicate on the application and whether the application will be in Canada or overseas. The most important factor is whether or not you can sponsor your spouse and if you are eligible to; if you are not, then you will not be able to sponsor. Furthermore, you must also ensure you are married to your spouse in order to do a spousal sponsorship. Lastly, you must determine whether your spouse will be in Canada while the application is being processed or whether they will be overseas. Therefore, in this article, I will explain the eligibility requirements for spousal sponsorship, the documents needed for the application, the difference between inland and overseas spousal sponsorship, and more.

Eligibility to Sponsor your Spouse

As previously mentioned, this is the most important factor of a spousal sponsorship application. The reason being is because the sponsor must be able to prove to Immigration that they are eligible and financially able to sponsor their spouse. There are certain requirements that need to be considered prior to applying to sponsor your spouse. Below is a list of eligibility requirements for the sponsor.

  • You must be at least 18 years of age;

  • You must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada;

  • You must prove that you have not received any social assistance in the past or in the present for reasons other than disability;

  • You must prove that you have sufficient income to provide the basic needs for your spouse;

  • You must sign an undertaking and should not have any active undertakings.

It is important to note that if you are a Canadian citizen living outside of Canada and intend on sponsoring your spouse, you must indicate and prove to Immigration that you intend to live in Canada with your spouse, should the application be approved. Additionally, if you are a permanent resident of Canada living outside of Canada and wish to sponsor your spouse, unfortunately you will not be able to do so. You must live in Canada as a permanent resident in order to sponsor your spouse.

Documents Needed for a Spousal Sponsorship

With regards to spousal sponsorships, these can be one of the most difficult applications to complete on your own. There are many requirements and documents that you must provide to Immigration in order to prove the genuineness of your relationship. There have been many spousal sponsorship applications that have resulted in fraudulent cases; therefore, Immigration has implemented very strict guidelines for this specific type of application. Furthermore, by providing strong and sufficient documentation to Immigration will ultimately improve the chances of a successful application.
In order to make your application strong, you may provide these supporting documents:

  • Photos of you & your spouse from your wedding ceremony

  • Photos of you & your spouse with friends and family at different points in your life

  • Proof of any events attended together

  • Travel itineraries of any trips to one another

  • Receipts of any gifts given to one another

  • Evidence of any joint documents, such as bank accounts, bills, etc.

  • Any correspondence between the spouses

The most important evidence that you can provide to the Immigration officer would be the correspondence between the two spouses. The reasoning behind this is to show that both spouses have consistently communicated with each other and to show the context of the relationship. Examples of correspondence could be love letters sent to one another; instant messaging through Facebook, Whatsapp, Face time, etc.; Holiday cards, and more. The more correspondence and communication that you can provide between the spouses will result in better chances of a strong application. This specific factor is extremely important for overseas spouses.

The Difference between Inland and Overseas Spousal Sponsorship

The major difference between an inland spousal sponsorship and an overseas spousal sponsorship essentially is where the sponsored spouse is currently living. If the sponsored spouse is living outside of Canada, then they will apply through the overseas spousal sponsorship. On the other hand, if the sponsored spouse is living in Canada, of course with proper authorization from Immigration Canada, then they will apply through the inland spousal sponsorship.

Furthermore, the one disadvantage of an overseas spousal sponsorship is that until the application is successfully approved, living with the sponsor can be challenging. The sponsored spouse at that point may be able to apply for a temporary resident visa to visit Canada while their application is being processed. However, it is important to note that the temporary resident visa is not guaranteed to be approved.

In contrast, the inland spousal sponsorship brings advantages to the sponsored spouse. While the sponsored spouse is currently living in Canada, they may be able to apply for an open work permit while their spousal sponsorship application is being processed. An open work permit allows them to work for any Canadian employer, anywhere in Canada.

Contact Akrami & Associates

If you wish to sponsor your spouse to Canada, we can help you with this process and determine which option is best for you, with regards to an inland or overseas application. Much like any other immigration application, a spousal sponsorship application process can become overwhelming if done alone; therefore, it is highly recommended that you seek out professional and experienced help before attempting to apply. Here, at Akrami & Associates, we work and have experience with many different immigration issues. We have helped many of our clients become reunited with their spouses in Canada. If you believe that you might be eligible, please feel free to contact Akrami & Associates at our office at 416-477-2545 for more information or if you would like to book a consultation with an immigration professional for more advise.

With Akrami & Associates, there is always a way!

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