FAQs for Landing in Canada as a Permanent Resident - Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters.

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FAQs for Landing in Canada as a Permanent Resident

FAQs for Landing in Canada as a Permanent Resident

FAQ – Landing in Canada as a Permanent Resident

In this article, I will address a few popular questions and answers for Landing in Canada as a Permanent Resident and some important information to consider if you are applying for a Permanent Residency application. When you have finally arrived in Canada and have landed as a Permanent Resident, it may be extremely overwhelming as you are coming from a completely different country to move permanently to Canada. If you feel as though you would be eligible to apply for Permanent Residency, I suggest you read our article on “Different Ways to Obtain Permanent Residency in Canada” before reading this question and answer article. The intention of this article is meant to clarify any misunderstanding or confusion with regards to landing in Canada as a Permanent Resident.

Q: Do I automatically become a Permanent Resident of Canada the moment I receive my Canadian Permanent Residency approval?

A: This is a very important question to recognize and understand. The simple answer is no – you do not automatically become a Permanent Resident of Canada the moment you receive your Canadian Permanent Residency approval. It is important to realize that you will only become a Permanent Resident in Canada the moment you cross a Canadian port of entry with a valid passport. You must also have your valid Canadian Permanent Residency approval. Subsequently, you will receive your official landing in Canada documents for any future reference you may need.

Q: What documents should I have on me when first landing in Canada?

A: The most important documentation that you should have on you when you first land in Canada is your valid passport. Your valid passport must contain your unexpired Canadian Permanent Residency approval and a document referred to as a Confirmation of Permanent Residence. Keep in mind, if you are travelling with any dependents, they will also need the same documentation when first landing in Canada. In addition, any supporting documentation such as proof of financial means and any inventory of your personal belongings would be beneficial to provide to Immigration. Furthermore, if you have any material possessions, from your inventory of personal belongings, that you currently own and will bring to Canada in the future, it is advisable to indicate this to Immigration as well.

Q: Once I receive my Permanent Residency confirmation, how long do I have in order to land in Canada?

A: On your Permanent Residency confirmation document, Immigration will indicate a time period in which you must land in Canada to become a permanent resident. You will realize that there is an expiry date on that document as well. It is essential for you to land in Canada prior to the expiry date. In most cases, the expiry date will be one year from when you completed your medical examination. However, this may not always be the case, therefore, you must ensure you check the expiry date on your document so that you can land in Canada prior to that expiry date.

Q: If I have accompanying dependents that will be arriving in Canada as well, when should they land in Canada?

A: It is important to note that any accompanying dependents that will also be arriving in Canada may not land in Canada before the principal applicant lands. Therefore, they should land at the same exact time as the principal applicant. However, if this is not possible for other reasons, then they may arrive and land in Canada only after the principal applicant. In both scenarios, the accompanying dependents must arrive and land in Canada prior to the expiry date indicated on their Permanent Residency confirmation documents.

Q: Is it possible to extend the expiry date on my Permanent Residency confirmation document?

A: Unfortunately, no. Generally, the expiry date on your Permanent Residency confirmation document cannot be extended any longer than the indicated expiry date. If, by chance, you are unable to land in Canada prior to the expiry date, then you may need to re-apply for permanent residency.

Q: When I land in Canada, do I have to land at the destination I indicated on the application forms?

A: If you are approved for Permanent Residency in Canada, you may enter and land in Canada at any port of entry. A port of entry can either be at a Canadian border or at a Canadian airport. The only difference is if you enter Canada through Quebec. If you land in Canada through a port of entry in Quebec, you will have to have been accepted by Quebec as a resident and have obtained a valid Quebec Certificate of Selection (CSQ). Otherwise, you will have to have proper documentation to show your intentions to reside in a province that is not Quebec. This can be a complicated endeavor. Therefore, it is best to enter Canada through the intended province you would like to reside in.

Contact Akrami & Associates

Should you have any further questions or feel confused or unclear about how to land in Canada as a Permanent Resident, it is important to talk about any questions you may have and discuss your concerns. By talking to immigration professionals about your concerns, this will ease your worries and assist with the application process. Many immigration applications are difficult to pursue on your own and it is highly recommended that you seek out professional and experienced help before attempting to apply. Here, at Akrami & Associates, we work and have experience with many different immigration issues. We have helped many of our clients obtain permanent residency in Canada and are now successfully residing in Canada. If you believe that you may be eligible for permanent residency in Canada, please feel free to contact Akrami & Associates at our office at 416-477-2545 for more information or if you would like to book a consultation with an immigration professional for more advice.

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