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Canadian Study Permit


International student studying in Canada

Are you an international student planning to study abroad in Canada, but are unaware of how to do so? Do not worry if this person is you, as this blog will inform you on the step-by-step process required for the study permit application. Essential requirements and qualifications needed in order to apply, as well as specific documents that are required will be addressed. If you have any issues pertaining to a study permit application or other related permits, feel free to give Akrami and Associates a call and request a consultation at 416-477-2545.

What is a study permit

For those who are unaware, a study permita study permit is an authorized document issued by an officer to any foreign national wishing to study abroad in Canada for a specified period of time.

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About a Canadian Study Permit


Who Can Apply For a Canadian Study Permit?

Have you always wished of pursuing your education in a fun and challenging way? Have you ever thought of travelling to another country for school, to have the opportunity to immerse in another countries culture and lifestyle while also getting to experience all the amazing sights the country has to offer? If so, you may have considered studying in Canada. It is no secret Canada has plenty of beautiful sights, an abundant variety of cultures to experience and an education system that is rivaled by few; it would be the opportunity of a lifetime. Fortunately, the Canadian government knows it is the dream of many foreign nationals to experience Canada while studying within the Canadian system, and so they have allowed people who would like to come for this purpose to apply for a study permit and do so. If you are a foreign national who dreams of studying in Canada, continue reading this article to find out how you can apply for a study permit.

Why Do I Have to Apply For a Study Permit?

Oftentimes, a course will continue for more than 6 months, which is the maximum length of time any visitor; with or without a visitor’s visa, can stay. Therefore, without a study permit, you could only take part in a course which continued for less than 6 months, which is a huge limit on the programs foreign nationals could take part in while in Canada. To study for a period longer than 6 months, you can apply for a study permit  study permit and essentially ask the Canadian government for permission to stay in Canada longer than 6 months to pursue a program of interest to you, and then return to your country of origin. To be clear, if the program you intend to study is shorter than 6 months, you do not have to apply for a study permit. If the officer believes you seek an extended stay in Canada to pursue studies and you are honest in your assertion you will leave once they are over, you are likely to be granted a study permit and have the opportunity to experience the sights, culture, and educational system which are so highly respected worldwide.

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Study Permit Eligibility

Study Permit Eligibility

International Students Studying in Canada

Do you want to study in Canada? Do you feel like the educational opportunities are better here than in your home country? If so, you should apply for a Study Permit. It is important to note that a study permit is necessary for some foreign nationals; however, there are some foreign nationals that do not require a study permit to study in Canada. In this article I will explain in detail, who needs a study permit and who does not, how to start the process of obtaining a study permit and any further steps.

Who does not need a Study Permit?

There are some necessary steps one has to make before applying for a study permit in Canada. Yet, there are some foreign nationals that do not require a study permit at all. If you fall under any of these categories below, you do not need a study permit to study in Canada:

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