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Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters.

Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters. If you would like to learn about US and Canadian immigration matters you have came to the right place to read blogs.

Open Spousal Work Permit


Are a spouse or common law partner of someone studying or working temporarily in Canada and looking to work? A Spousal Open Work Permit may allow this. For details on the spousal open work permit, including who is eligible continue reading below

What is an open spousal work permit?

A spousal open work permit allows your spouse or common law partner to work legally in Canada at any eligible employer.

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Sponsor your spouse with a criminal record


Immigration Officers are vigilant when it comes to accessing foreign national’s admissibility to Canada in order to ensure the safety and security of Canada, it’s citizens and permanent residents. Your spouse may be denied entry into Canada if they have a criminal record. There are options available to overcome the inadmissibility though. Continue reading below to learn how to sponsor your spouse to come to Canada even if they have a criminal record

Overcoming criminal inadmissibility

The most important step in sponsoring a spouse with a criminal record is to be it resolved. Whether that be having the record expunged, obtaining Criminal Rehabilitation or being deemed rehabilitated. Criminal Rehabilitation means that you have proved without doubt that criminal activity is in your past, you are very unlikely to reoffend and will not be a threat to Canada, it’s citizens or permanent residents.

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How to prove your relationship is genuine


In order to sponsor your spouse, common law or conjugal partner to come to Canada, both applicants must meet various requirements outlined by the Government of Canada. One of these requirements is to prove your relationship is genuine.

Proving the genuiness of your relationship to immigration officers can be stressful and sometimes bordering on embarrassing. Giving a stranger a look through private eyes into the intimacy of your relationship… it can be the make it or break it aspect of your application. In this blog we’ll look at ways to prove that your relationship is real and not just to get into the beautiful country you want to call home with your significant other.

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All About Spousal Sponsorship


A Basic Overview of Spousal Sponsorship

Often, when individuals refer to spousal sponsorship, they are referring to the streams of sponsorship in which partners sponsor each other; they may not necessarily be referring specifically to the process of spousal sponsorship. This is important to understand because there is a slightly different process for each of the three available routes under family class sponsorship. Specifically, if you would like to apply under any of the three programs, you must meet the eligibility requirements of that program. Throughout this article, we will explain the basics of conjugal sponsorshipconjugal sponsorship, common-law sponsorship, and spousal sponsorshipspousal sponsorship, and we will be sure to touch on the requirements to be eligible for each of the sponsorship streams.

What is Spousal Sponsorship Strictly?

Spousal sponsorship is a way helping your spouse become a permanent resident of Canada, so that the two of you may begin living together forever. To be eligible as a couple to apply for spousal sponsorship, you must be legally married. This means, you must have a marriage certificate for proof. While also the marriage must be conducted in such a way that it is legally recognized by both the country in which the marriage took place, and would also pass the legal qualifications of a Canadian marriage. Finally, you must be over the age of 18 to get married, or, have been over the age of 18 when you got married, regardless of the laws in your country of origin. Therefore, you must also both be over 18 to apply for spousal sponsorshipspousal sponsorship.

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Sponsor Your Common Law Partner


Do You Have A Common Law Partner?

Are you and your partner hoping to live together permanently in Canada someday? Have you and your partner already been living together for more than a year? If so, you may qualify as a common-law partnership. If you legally qualify as common-law partners, you may be eligible to apply for spousal sponsorship as common law partners, and achieve your dreams of living together permanently. Oftentimes, people believe that because they are not legally married, they do not have the option of applying for spousal sponsorship, however, this is not the case. As mentioned, if you meet the requirements of a legal common-law relationship, you may be eligible to sponsor your significant other, and help them achieve permanent residency. This article will help you understand the legal requirements of a common law relationship, and what you can expect the process of sponsoring a common-law partner to look like.

What Is a Legal Common Law Partnership?

To officially be considered to be in a common-law relationship, you and your partner must have been living together for at least one full year, and be engaged in a conjugal relationship. To be living together and have both you and your partners affairs taken care of together, is considered cohabitating. Cohabitation is the legal requirement of a common law relationship. You cannot claim legal common law status if you and your partner have lived together intermittently for periods of time which add up to one year. The key is that you have lived together continuously for a full year. If you must spend time living apart, it must be short and justified by the circumstances; such as a family or business obligation. The relationship between you and your partner must also meet the standards of a legal marriage. For example, your relationship must be monogamous, and both individuals must be over the age of 18. If you and your partner began living together before either of you turned 18, the one year period you must live together does not begin until you are both 18 years old.

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Spousal Sponsorship Questions and Answers

Spousal Sponsorship Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers for Spousal Sponsorship

In this article, I will address questions and answers for spousal sponsorship in order for you to further understand what a spousal sponsorship entails. A spousal sponsorship is intended for Canadian citizens and permanent residents who wish to sponsor their spouse to come to Canada. It was created to give Canadian citizens and permanent residents an opportunity to finally be united with their spouses as it is said that individuals live a better life when they are united with their families. If you feel as though you would be eligible to apply for a spousal sponsorship, I suggest you read our article on “How Can I Sponsor my Spouse” before reading this question and answer article. This article is intended to clarify any misunderstanding or confusion with regards to a spousal sponsorship.

Q: When is the appropriate time to submit my police certificates for my spousal sponsorship application?

A: Immigration has made changes with regards to police certificates and exactly when is the appropriate time to submit them. Should you already have your police certificates on hand, you may submit them with your application. However, if you have not yet completed your police certificates you may submit them when Immigration requests them from you. This is usually requested when the application is being processed and Immigration will send you a communication to notify you, either by e-mail or mail, depending on if you have an online account or not.

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Who Qualifies under Family Sponsorship

Who Qualifies under Family Sponsorship

Who qualifies under the Family Sponsorship category for a Canadian Immigration Visa?

In this category it is normally close relatives of either a Canadian citizen or a Canadian Permanent Resident.

For the most part, in order to qualify under the Family Sponsorship category you must be related to the person in which you are Sponsoring or the person who is sponsoring you.

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Spousal Sponsorship Application Inside Canada

Spousal Sponsorship Application Inside Canada

If you wish to come to Canada through the Spousal Sponsorship program, you can either do so inland or outland. An inland application means that you will be staying inside of Canada while the application is being processed. Outland means that you will be making an application from outside of Canada.

Why Inside Canada Spousal Sponsorship?

There are several reasons why a couple would choose to make an application for Spousal Sponsorship from inside of Canada, including,

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