Canada Removal Orders - Immigration Blog about US & Canadian Immigration matters.

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Authorization to Return to Canada

Authorization to Return to Canada

Removal Order from Canada

Have you been removed or deported from Canada previously and are ready to travel back there again? Most people, when removed or deported from Canada, don’t know how to get back into the country again, they do not even know if they are able to do so. At Akrami & Associates, we can help you decipher whether or not you are eligible or authorized to return to Canada. At Akrami & Associates, we have a team of knowledgeable and experienced associates who have successfully solved over 15,000 cases and would be more than happy to help you with your legality needs/inquiries as well.

What is Authorization to return to Canada (ARC)?

Not to be confused with Temporary Resident Permits (TRP), Authorization to Return to Canada, also known as ARC is the process one has to go through if they have previously been removed from Canada. There are three ways in which you can be removed from Canada, the first being a Deportation order, followed by Exclusion Order and the last being a Departure Order. As mentioned earlier, do not confuse the authorization to return to Canada with a TRP. A TRP, the abbreviation for the term “temporary resident permit”, is a makeshift permit that grants you entry into Canada if you have an inadmissibility issue such as DUI, felony, misdemeanor etc. ARC applications are for individuals depending on the type of removal order they got based on that it can be determined what you need to apply for. For example, if you had come to Canada as visitor, student or worker and you overstayed your welcome stay then you would need to apply for an ARC application as you violated an immigration rule. Another example would if you misrepresented yourself meaning you lied on your application or withheld information from an immigration officer. Also if you were removed for health reasons from Canada you would need to apply for ARC application. The main difference between a TRP and an ARC is the reasoning behind each stay. For a TRP, you are insisting on residing in Canada for a specific period of time whereas for an ARC, you are asking permission to return to Canada because the Canadian government has previously removed you. Authorization to return to Canada, likewise its name, is the approval you have to get from the government to be able to enter the country again.

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