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If you are like the millions of students around the world who dream of an international education, Canada might be the place for you. Canada has one of the most well respected education systems in the world and can offer you an amazing educational experience.
Before you can study in Canada, you will need to obtain the authorization to this in the form of a Study Permit.
A study permit is an official document issued by a Canadian visa office at his place in your passport to show that you have met the requirements for entering Canada as a temporary resident for the purposes of studying in Canada.
In order to acquire a study permit you must demonstrate a number of different factors to an immigration officer assessing your application. Firstly, you must have valid acceptance into an eligible Canadian Institution. Secondly, as you are applying for a temporary status document you must satisfy an officer above all else that your stay in Canada is indeed, temporary in nature.
In addition to the above, you will need to meet the requirements of the below:
you may be required to provide any additional documentation requested by an immigration officer assessing your application in order to determine whether not you will be allowed to enter Canada
Processing times will depend on the Canadian visa office where you submitted your application. The visa office will review your application to make sure you have completed it correctly and have included all the required documents. If your application is incomplete, it will not be processed it will be returned to you.
It is generally understood that you should apply for your study permit at least 3-6 months in advance of your intended studies to ensure that your visa is processed in time for the start of your schooling. If you do not have your study permit on time, you will not be allowed to study in Canada.
If you are continuing your studies in Canada, you have the option to extend your study permit based on that continuing education. However, the same requirements would essentially apply:
If you obtain your Study Permit, you are also eligible to obtain an Off Campus Work Permit that will allow you to work a specified amount of hours off campus. An Off Campus Work Permit is unique in the sense that it allows a student to work for any eligible employer in Canada, this is known as an open work permit.
To qualify, you must be a full-time student enrolled at a participating publicly funded post-secondary educational institution or in an approved program at an eligible privately funded institution.
To work off campus, you must first apply for your work permit and follow a similar process. Do not begin to work off campus until you have received your work permit. The work permit authorizes you to work up to 20 hours per week during regular academic sessions, and full time during scheduled breaks (for example, winter and summer holidays, and spring break).
A work permit does not guarantee that you will find a job. It is your responsibility to look for work. Even if you work off campus, your studies must be the main reason you are in Canada.
In order to come to Canada as a student, you will need to first obtain your study permit. As such, you will need to also satisfy an officer that you are a bona fide temporary resident, meaning:
You will need to demonstrate these above requirements in addition to meeting the requirements of a study permit.
Being an international student can be a stressful experience as it is. When you need to worry about your studies, assignments and exams – worrying about your immigration status is usually the last thing on your list. That is what we are here for. We will help you obtain your study permit so you can focus on excelling in your education. As a student, you will need to keep up with your studies and be successful in them if you hope to maintain your status as a student in Canada.
We will assist you:
For more information on Study Permits, feel free to browse our vast collection of information on the subject or contact us directly at 1-877-622-8182 or 416 477 2570. You can also email at