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Although, an immigration representative is not required to apply for a visa, there can be many benefits of hiring immigration representatives.
One of the benefits is that the representative has a lot more knowledge about immigration than just another average person. They are qualified professionals who are able to assist you on Canadian Immigration proceeding or application.
Hiring Immigration Representation is beneficial because they are extremely hard working and honest. They have legal expertise and legal privileges that can help better your case and application.
A benefit of hiring an Immigration representative is that they have the power to attend your immigration interview to make sure you are being treated fairly and equally. If your case is brought under judicial review, the immigration representative can advocate for your application in Canadian court of law.
Another benefit of having an immigration representative would be that you wouldn’t be under any stress. They representative will help you with everything without any pressure and look at all case law, rules and regulations and statutes If there were to be an issue risen in your case,
If you are looking at hiring an immigration representative, give us a call today!