Changes to Canadian Citizenship Video
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In order to apply for Canadian Citizenship you must meet the residency requirements. Watch our immigration videos below and see if you meet the residency requirements to become a Canadian citizen. Furthermore, you will learn what documents you need to include in your application, how you can successfully pass the citizenship test and what to expect once you have completed the citizenship test.
![]() Canadian Citizenship |
![]() Citizenship for Minors |
![]() Canadian Reforms |
![]() Citizenship final |
![]() Qualifications for Canadian Citizenship |
![]() Citizenship Application |
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Has it always been your desire to finally become a Canadian citizen after so many years of being a permanent resident? This can finally be possible with the Canadian citizenship application and the new changes that have been introduced as of this year. Watch this video to see what the specific changes are and how this will affect Canadian citizenship applications going forward.
The new changes to the Canadian Citizenship application are being introduced by Bill C-6 which is an act amending Canada's Citizenship Act. This bill is extremely beneficial to many immigrants to Canada and their families as under the new legislation, permanent residents can now apply for citizenship a lot sooner than before. There are many changes that are being implemented to the bill that will specifically be released in June of 2017 and in the Fall of 2017 and in early 2018. Some of the immediate changes include changes to no longer intending on living in Canada once an individual is granted their Canadian citizenship. While, the changes in the fall and winter will include revisions to the required years of filing Income Taxes that match the physical presence requirements. For an in-depth explanation of the immediate changes, please watch this video.
If you wish to become a Canadian citizen after having permanent residency, it is recommended to call our office and speak with an immigration expert so that they may determine the best route for you.
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416 477 2570 | 1 877 622 8182
Has it been a dream of yours to finally become a Canadian citizen after many years of being a permanent resident? This can be possible with the Canadian citizenship application. To become a Canadian citizen is not an easy process but if you watch our video below, I will explain the requirements and restrictions for citizenship, and the steps needed to apply.
If you would like to apply for Canadian Citizenship but are unsure what documents to include with your application or how to get started then please don’t hesitate to contact us at 416-477-2545. Our immigration experts will be glad to assist you with your immigration matter.
With Akrami & Associates there is always a way!!
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For more information on Canadian Citizenship and many other immigration matters, check out our site:
or Call us at
416-477-2545 | 1-877-820-7121
416 477 2570 | 1 877 622 8182
Video: If you want to apply for Canadian citizenship application for a minor, you will need to consider a few details. Watch our video for more information on how you can submit a successful citizenship application for a minor.
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For more information on Canadian Citizenship and many other immigration matters, check out our site:
or Call us at
416-477-2545 | 1-877-820-7121
416 477 2570 | 1 877 622 8182