Do it yourself Immigration Kits

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Kit or Representative?

Interested in one of the Akrami & Associates immigration kits? Our kits are one sure fire way on how to complete most immigration matters on your own. Our step by step guides are intuitive and will allow you compile your own applications. It is very much a “Do It Yourself” project. However, sometimes a matter is so complex or so unique that there is no way you can foresee an issue.

That’s where an Akrami & Associates representative comes into play. For those who feel their matter is too complex or not straight forward, or simply want someone else to stress over their application, than talk to us. Perhaps you’re the sort of person that would like to leave it up to the experts.

Retaining a representative means that we will be with you every step of the way, from drafting forms and documents, collecting supporting documents, submitting your application and following up to ensure that it has been successful completed. If you are unsure of whether or not the Kit can help, give us a call, we will help you weigh the pros and cons of your situation and let you decide whether you can handle it, or we should.

Regular vs. Elite Kits

Our kits are very self-sufficient for those who like detailed instruction manuals. Our kits not only provide you with a step by step synopsis of the processes involved, they also help explain the underlying concepts to help you intuit what further might be required of your unique situation. If you thing you can handle your application entirely on your own, than the regular package is for you. If you are like most people who feel like they need that extra help, or want the review of a professional, the Elite package is the way to go. The elite package comes with a free consultation on your matter as well as a final review once you have compiled all the documents. A representative will assess the strengths and weaknesses of your case and make sure that you submitting the strongest possible case as per your unique situation. If you are going to do all the work yourself, let us make sure you did it right!

Are These Kits for Me?

Our kits are geared towards straight forward scenarios that meet the requirements of the application. It is impossible to account for every single possibility out there. That being said, for those who face inadmissibility issues like criminality or those who know that their situation is a little outside the norm, perhaps you should consider full legal representation. Attempting to do something on your own that you are not sure of can end you up in a worse place than you began. Contact us before purchasing our kits to find out what kit might best suit your need, or if legal representation might be the best solution to achieve your immigration goals.

Kit Fees Towards Legal Fees

If you have purchased a kit and realize that you need some extra help, do not worry, your fees have still been well spent. You can contact us to discuss retaining a representative and we would be happy to apply the fees you paid for the kit towards fully retaining a representative. This way, you can have your cake and eat it too!

Kit Success Stories

We are very grateful to have had the opportunity to help our clients and proud of the success of our kits. Many clients have benefited from the in depth and step by step nature of the application. Information found elsewhere can be complex and hard to follow, our kits take that legal jargon and translate into bite sizes portions that anyone can understand.

Mary S. came to us because her family abroad was refused their Visitor Visas to attend her wedding. Like with most weddings, her funds were caught up in the celebration and she was looking for a cost effective way of achieving her goals. With the help of our kits, she reapplied and successfully obtained six visitor visas for her family members!

Mark L. needed to hire a Live in Caregiver for his elderly father and had no idea where to start and wasn’t sure if he could even do it. He thought about representation, but because of his uncertainty, decided to test his luck by purchasing two of our kits. Mark gathered the documents and used our templates to draft his own submission letter like a pro. His dad is now getting the care he needs to Mark can rest at ease!

Would you like to be one of our success stories? If one of our kits has helped you achieve your goals, we would love to hear about it… Let us know!

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