There are various petitions that may be filed depending on the kind of work visa you may require. There are five main categories:
- Employment First preference (E1) - Priority Workers - they need to file the Immigrant Petition for Foreign Worker, which is form I-140. This is filed with the USCIS. There are 3 sub-categories
o Persons with extraordinary ability
o Outstanding professor and researchers
o Multinational managers or executives
- Employment second preference (E2): Professional holding advanced degrees or persons with Exceptional ability. You may have to file an Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker. Sub categories are:
o Professionals holding an advanced degree
o Persons with exceptional ability – sciences, arts or business
- Employment Third preference (E3) - Skilled Workers, Professionals and Unskilled Workers. May have to file Immigration Petition for Alien worker, form I-140. Sub- categories:
o Skilled workers: person with 2 year minimum training or work experience in a specific job.
o Professionals: may require baccalaureate degree from U.S University or college or foreign equivalent degree.
o Unskilled workers - people capable of filing positions.
- Employer Fourth preference (E4) - special immigrants, they may have to file Petition for American, Widow, or Special Immigrant, form I-360. Sub - categories include:
o Broadcasters in the U.S.
o Ministers of Religion
o Certain former employees
o Iraqi and Afghan national who have provided faithful and valuable service.
o And many more…
- Employment Fifth Preference (E5) - Immigrant investors who promote job creation.
There are many different categories and petitions that are available to workers who may want to come to the U.S. It may be hard to determine what petition or category works for you.
Contact us, and we would be happy to discuss your options and outline which category works best for you!