If you wish to come to Canada through the Spousal Sponsorship program, you can either do so inland or outland. An inland application means that you will be staying inside of Canada while the application is being processed. Outland means that you will be making an application from outside of Canada.

Why Inside Canada Spousal Sponsorship?

There are several reasons why a couple would choose to make an application for Spousal Sponsorship from inside of Canada, including,

If your home country is in a state where you do not feel safe, you may wish to make an application inland to avoid going back. Once you have made an application, while you are waiting for a decision to be made, you will be legally entitled to remain in Canada until the process is complete and a final verdict has been made.

The obvious benefit for staying in Canada is to be near one another. The processing time for immigration applications can be exceedingly long, and being away from one another during that time may be difficult.

Although it is not a guarantee, if you are given an approval in principle, you may apply for a work permit to legally work in Canada.

Like every application, there are also disadvantages. For inland spousal sponsorships, the processing time is usually longer. In addition to this, there are no appeal rights if your decision is denied. These are some things you may wish to take into consideration before you opt to go this way.

To apply, you must complete four steps:

  1. Gather documents
  2. Complete all the forms
  3. Pay the processing fees
  4. Mail your application and supporting documents

If you require further information or assistance regarding your situation, at Akrami & Associates, one of our legal professionals will gladly assist you. Call today and see how we can help.