By Immigration Lawyer on Monday, September 22 2014
Category: Visitor Visa

How Long does it Take to Process a Canadian Visa Application?

You are at the end of this lengthy and extensive temporary resident visa application but soon to be a fulfilling and enjoyable stay in. You have completed all the information to the best of your knowledge, paid your fees and submitted your application for processing.

The processing times for a temporary resident visa application will vary depending on a number of factors including

It is important to note that Citizenship and Immigration Canada only provides us with an approximate turn-around time for every application. We recommend for a temporary resident visa, your application should be submitted at the very latest, two months prior to your desired arrival date in Canada. However, once your application is further analyzed, a more accurate time period can be available.

Unfortunately, although the temporary resident visa application is quite common, they are probably one of the most difficult applications to prove. Many individuals who have previously received a temporary resident visa have overstayed their welcome; therefore current applications are being inspected more thoroughly by Immigration officers. To achieve positive results in your application, do not provide:

It is also important to note that although you may not be required to provide certain documents, the following information may avoid any delays:

A temporary resident visa is not as straightforward as it appears. We have retained many clients after they have already been refused on their own application. At Akrami & Associates, we are here to educate and help our clients with their application and provide the greatest outcome.

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