By Giovanni Crescenzi on Thursday, February 12 2015
Category: Live in- Caregiver Work Permit

Applying for Permanent Resident Under Live-in Caregiver Program

If you are working under Live-in caregiver program, you can be eligible to apply for permanent resident. There are few requirements to apply for permanent resident under the live-in caregiver program and you have to comply with these requirements . They are as follows:

When you calculate the time of working, you cannot include certain period of time like:

Your application for permanent residence can be affected by few factors and those are:

There are also few factors where your application is not affected by them and those are:

There are few basic requirements for applying for permanent resident under the live-in caregiver program. If you need detailed information or have further questions, then please feel free to call us. We are here to help!

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