If for reasons of health, criminality, human rights, or security risk, you were not permitted to enter Canada, you can make an application for a Temporary Resident Permit that will allow you to temporarily enter Canada for a reason you must justify in your application.

You may either apply to a Canadian Consulate in your home country or you can do so at a Port of Entry. For either option you will have to fill out your application and submit certain documentation.

If you are from,

    1.     A visa-exempt country

  • You should check with the Canadian visa office in your country or region to determine whether they have procedures regarding temporary resident permits

    2.     A country that requires a visa

  • Complete the application form for a temporary resident visa and include supporting documents stating why you are inadmissible, what reasons you have for coming to Canada, and justify why you should be allowed to enter Canada despite your inadmissibility

After reviewing your application, you may be asked to attend an interview in order to further assess your situation.

Some reasons people have applied for a temporary resident permit include,

  • To attend business conferences, training, etc…
  • For family emergencies or events
  • Wedding, funeral

Documents you might want to include in your submission are invitations to a wedding, letters from your employer stating the conferences you have to attend, essentially, anything that will show that you have to be in Canada during a specified time.

It is basically your duty to show that, for whatever reason you were inadmissible, the reason you need to enter Canada outweighs the risks you present.

For additional information on Temporary Resident Permits, and to better prepare yourself, contact Akrami & Associates today and tell us about your situation. One of our legal representatives will be glad to assist you in any way they can.