By Bahar on Tuesday, November 29 2016
Category: Canadian Immigration

How to Write an Invitation Letter for a friend to Visit Canada

Do I need a Visitor Visa Invitation Letter?

Visitor Visas are one of the most difficult Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) to get approved by citizenship and immigration Canada (CIC). The reason the application is not easily approved is because many individuals that come to Canada as visitor overstay their welcome stay. Meaning they do not exit Canada and stay longer than their authorized stay. So when submitting a Visitor Visa application you need to provide ample amount of documents to proof your intent to Canada is only temporary. One of way of making the application stronger is by having a friend or family member write you an invitation letter. It is great news if you have an inviter but unfortunately it does not guarantee that the immigration officer will issue the visa. Not sure if you want provide an invitation letter for friend or family, because you do not want to be responsible for them? Luckily, when writing an invitation letter you are not legally responsible for the person you are inviting. But ensure when you write the invitation letter you tell the truth and plan to keep the promises you have made in the letter. If you like to know what to include in the invitation letter then continue reading below.

What is an Invitation Letter?

An invitation letter is a formal or informal invite you sent to someone and requesting their presence either for an event to attend or some sort of visit. In this case it would be for a visit to Canada. Invitation letters are needed if you are visiting a friend or relative in Canada. You can ask your friend or family member to send you an invitation letter to make your application for Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) stronger. So when you are asking someone to send you an invitation letter ensure you include all the information they need about you to write the letter. Once they have completed the letter ask them to mail it to you, so that you are able to send out the invitation letter along with your visitor visa application. Have them notarize the letter so it shows some form of authenticity. Also, ask your friend to send a copied version online, by scanning the signed letter and sending you a copy through email. It is good to have a copy should the letter not arrive on time.

What information should I include in my Invitation letter for the person getting invited to Canada?

Information for person you are inviting:

What information should I include in my Invitation letter about myself?

Information of the person writing the invitation letter:

Letter of invitation for when inviting your parents or grandparents under the Super Visa

If you are applying for Super Visa for your parents or grandparents to Canada you need to provide letter that is signed in which you promise that you will financially support your parents or grandparents during their entire stay in Canada. Also, you have to provide proof that you meet the financial requirements for Super Visa applications. This can be done by providing proof of meeting Low Income Cut off (LICO) for your family members and the visiting parents or grandparents.

It is evident that your friends/ family members have a lot of things that they need to do while preparing to come visit you in Canada. It is more than just being an amazing host there are some things you need to do to help them out with their application process by providing them the letter of invitation. Writing this letter is very important when it comes to their immigration process, because the immigration officer likes to know why they are coming to Canada, how long they intend to stay, how they will support their stay etc. So having that invitation letter will help answer some of the questions for the officer. Remember invitation letters are not necessary as anyone can visit Canada for tourism but if you have friends and family then best to get the invitation letter to make the application stronger.

If you need help with the invitation letter or help with your Visitor Visa application then contact us today at 416-477-2545. Akrami & Associates can help you with your temporary visa needs and connect you with your loved ones faster!

With Akrami & Associates there is always a way!