Work Permits are essentially temporary visas, with the added permission to work in Canada. To be able to work in Canada you:

Since you are in a foreign country and your employer is in Canada, a lot of times you may be unaware of the specific requirements that an employer needs to fulfill. Providing you with a job offer is simply not enough, as they would also have to receive an approval from Employment and Social Development Canada and would have to complete a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). The LMIA itself requires the employer to show significant attempts to hire a Canadian resident.

The extent of effort an employer needs to make may be confusing, and legal advice from an expert may be helpful at this time. A representative can suggest and recommend proper ways for your employer to deal with the various requirements.

Hiring a legal representative may be helpful, as once you hire a representative, CIC will communicate with them and your representative can constantly keep you updated. If you missed a form, or forgot to send a document, as your representative we will be able to take care of that.

Filing the correct application and fulfilling the proper requirements may be over whelming. The requirements and application are constantly changing as well. There is no requirement to hire a representative, but considering the complexity of various cases it may be necessary. Filing the correct application with the correct documents is extremely important.

Contact us today and let us help you move forward!