An Authorization to Return to Canada (ARC) is special permission from the Canadian Government that you may need if you are looking to come to Canada after being subject to a removal order. Removal Orders fall under 3 categories, each of which result in you admissibility to Canada.

Continue reading below to find out if you need to apply for an ARC before legally returning to Canada…

ARC and Removal Orders

You would have received removal order documents before you left Canada, the form number will tell you the type of removal order issued.

Departure Order

(form IMM 5238)

If you received a departure order and left Canada within the required 30 days AND verified your departure with a Canadian immigration officer at the port of exit:

You do not need an ARC. You are allowed to return to Canada with normal examination at the port of entry

If you took more than 30 days after the departure order was issues or if you left the country without verifying your departure, the departure order automatically became a Deportation Order and you now need to apply for an Arc

Exclusion Order

(form IMM 1214B)

If you were issued an exclusion order, it has been 12 months since you left Canada AND you have the certificate of departure showing the date you left Canada:

You do not need an ARC. You are allowed to return to Canada with normal examination at the port of entry.

If you do not have the certificate of departure or if it less than 12 months since the exclusion order issued, you will need to apply for an ARC.

Deportation Order

(form IMM 5238B)

If you have been issued a deportation order, you must apply for an ARC.

Important note:

You will need to apply for criminal rehabilitation first if you were deported because of criminal inadmissibility. You may also need additional documents to enter Canada such as a Temporary Resident Permit.

Factors that Affect ARC and the requirements:

There are many factors that immigration officers consider when assessing your application for ARC. These can include

How to apply:

If you applying for a permit or visa to come to Canada, you must include all required documents with your application, which include:

Application notes:

If you required to re-pay any costs associated with your removal, you will be informed of those when your application is being processed.

If your departure order became a deportation order because you did not leave Canada within the allotted 30 days, you must also explain why you did not leave by the departure date.

An incomplete or illegal application will be returned without processing.

Processing fees are non-refundable. If you application is denied and you want to apply again, you have to pay a new processing fee.

Akrami and Associates

Authorization to return to Canada applications are highly detailed and complex applications that have a high chance of being returned unprocessed. It is highly advised to consult with an experienced and skilled immigration lawyer. At Akrami and Associates, we have a high success rate for ARC applications. Contact us today to get started 416-477-2545 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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