What is a temporary resident Visa?

A temporary resident visa is a visitor visa. A temporary resident visa or a TRV is a visa that allows you to enter and stay in Canada for a certain period of time. In other words, you are only entering for a temporary period of time. The temporary resident permit can be cancelled by an officer at any time and once you leave Canada, the permit is no longer valid unless you have been allowed to leave and re-enter.

When applying for a temporary resident visa (TRV) there are a few things that you must find out:

  • are you a citizen of a visa-exempt country?
  • if so, you must get the TRV application from your country’s or region’s specific visa office. This is because your specific visa office may have its own application form for temporary resident visa.
  • if you are not a citizen of a visa-exempt country, you should submit an application for a temporary resident visa, you must also include documents as to what the purpose of your visit is.

As mentioned before applying for a temporary resident visa consists of filling out the application and sending it, as well as providing the necessary document to show the reason for your visit. Most people apply for a visitor’s visa for the reasons of tourism, visiting family or friends, or a business trip.

With this application there are certain criteria you must meet such as:

  • showing that you have enough money to financially support yourself during your stay
  • satisfying an immigration officer that you will in fact leave by the end of your stay

In conclusion, if you are travelling to Canada temporarily, just to visit, you may find this helpful in getting you started with your application. Whether your travels be to just see Canada’s beauty, or to visit loved ones that mean a lot to you or you are just on a business trip and need to be in and out quickly.

Contact us today to help you with your Visitor Visa Application!