If you have a child or grandchild who is a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident, you may be able to come to Canada through the Super Visa program.

The difference between the Super Visa program and the Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Program is that the Super Visa does not allow you to become a Permanent Resident and therefore, you will not be eligible to apply for Citizenship.

This being said, with a cap of 5,000 applications in the Parents and Grandparents Program, often times a Super Visa is the best alternative. In addition to this, you may not want to apply for a Canadian Citizenship and only wish to visit on a long term basis. If this is the case a Super Visa would be the better choice with the added benefits of being less costly and quicker to process.

When applying for a Super Visa, you must first assess you eligibility. Once you have determined that you are eligible, you can begin your application process. A few things visa officers will look at include,

  • What ties you have to your home country
    • A reason you will not stay in Canada permanently and will return at the end of your authorized stay
  • Your family and finances
    • Whether you are self-sufficient
  • An invitation from your child or grandchild who is a Canadian citizen or permanent residence
    • This will validate your reason for coming

In addition to the brief information set forth above that you must be aware of, there are also forms that you must fill out and submit with supporting documents.

Although you are not required to retain the services of a lawyer to assist you, many people opt to do so. One of main reasons why a person may choose to do it themselves is the cost factor.

At Akrami & Associates, we cater to every need. If retaining a lawyer is not an option for you, you may wish to obtain our Super Visa Application Kit instead.

The Super Visa application kit is a step-by-step tool to guide you through the application process. Once you are finished your forms, as part of the kit’s price, a legal representative will review the final product.

If you are facing difficulties after buying the kit and wish to retain a legal representative, we will subtract the kit price from the service fee that we provide, this way, you cannot lose!

If you would like further information regarding the Super Visa or our kits, please contact Akrami & Associates today and we will be happy to assist you.