There are a few reasons why you may have been found inadmissible to the U.S., and therefore, denied entry. These reasons can be summed up into seven reasons which include,

    1. Health Related Ground

  • This can be any communicable diseases such as, leprosy, tuberculosis, and syphilis

    2. Criminality Issues

  • If you have had convictions in your past, depending upon the nature of the crime, you will be inadmissible

    3. Economic Grounds

  • If you will become a burden to the U.S. through reasons of poverty, disability, or insanity, you will be inadmissible

    4. Illegal Entrants & Immigration Violators

  • This can be for reasons such as, fraud, or failing to attend a removal proceeding

    5. Documentation requirements

  • This is when you do not have proper documents for the purpose you wish to stay

    6. Foreign Nationals Previously Removed

  • If you have had a removal order you will be inadmissible for a certain number of years

    7. Miscellaneous Grounds

  • This can be for practicing polygamy, unlawful voting, or international child abductions

If any of the above applies to you, or you have been denied entry to the U.S. on one of the grounds mentioned above, you can apply for a Waiver. There are three things that will be assessed when you apply for a Waiver,

  1. What risk you present to society
  2. The seriousness of your inadmissibility
  3. The reasons you want to enter the U.S.

To apply for a Waiver, you will have to complete the forms and send it to the office that deals with your types of cases. There will also be a filing fee.

If your Waiver is granted, you will be able to overcome your inadmissibility temporarily.

If you require further assistance, please contact Akrami & Associates today. With the help of our legal professionals, there is always a way!