One of the reasons you may be barred entry to Canada is because of a prior criminal conviction. Your situation may depend upon the circumstance in which you find yourself.

If you were convicted of a crime outside of Canada that is recognized as a crime in Canada, there are a few options available to you. Depending upon the crime, how long ago it occurred, and your behavior since then, you may still come to Canada if you are deemed rehabilitated, applied for rehabilitation and were approved, or you have a temporary resident permit.

To be deemed rehabilitated, the crime you committed outside of Canada must have a maximum prison term of less than ten years if committed in Canada. The type of crime, whether enough time has passed, and how many crimes were committed, will be influencing factors on whether or not you should be deemed rehabilitated and no longer barred from entering Canada.

If you wish, you may apply for individual rehabilitation. In this application, you will have to show that you meet the criteria set out by Citizen and Immigration Canada (CIC), have been rehabilitated, and be unlikely to commit further crimes. In addition to this, five years must have passed since the end of your sentence and the day you committed the act that made you inadmissible.

A Temporary Resident Permit will allow you to stay in Canada if it has been less than five years since the end of your sentence or you have valid reasons to be in Canada. It is up to an immigration or border service officer to decide whether your reason is valid and to ascertain that the reason outweighs the risk you may present to Canada.

If you were convicted of a crime in Canada, you may apply for a record suspension or discharge, formerly known as a pardon. The Parole Board of Canada sets out the application process for a record suspension, and if granted, you will no longer be inadmissible. If a pardon was granted in another country, you may check to see if it will be equivalent to a Canadian record suspension.

If you have any further inquiries regarding a crime that may be on your record, call Akrami & Associates today to book a consultation. Our legal professionals will provide you with legal advice regarding your circumstances and how we may assist you further.