The Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) is the agency in charge of border enforcement. The CBSA has established strict rules and requirements, to maintain the safety and security of Canadians.

Presenting the correct documents to establish your identity is extremely important at the border. Not presenting the proper documents may lead to a secondary screening at the border. There are different requirements for Americans crossing the Canadian border and for the Canadians returning to Canada. Border Service Officer (BOS) may ask for the following documents if you are an American citizen:

For Canadian Citizen:

There are application and assessments that are required to get a NEXUS or a FAST card. It is important to note that identification is a major requirement, but there are other rules that you need to follow to cross the border without any hassle.

I hope this helped, if you have any questions about crossing borders. You can contact us, and out team of experienced professionals will be happy to help you.