A waiver is usually issued by the Department of Homeland Security. You may need a waiver to enter the U.S. if you have been convicted of a criminal offence. In order to apply for the waiver you may have to adhere to the following steps:

Keep in mind that everything you are submitting should go towards reflecting your character.

Once you have collected all your documents, you will submit your application. You may also submit the documents at the port of entry and make an application on the spot. Fingerprints may also be required during the process. The processing time for waivers is usually anywhere from six to nine months.

It is recommended that you seek professional help to make your case, as your representative may have a better idea of what the officer is looking for. When dealing with issues of criminality, understanding the law and its implications could be a deciding factor in your matter.

We can help you with the process, and help you compile a strong case with the highest chance for success. Contact us and our team of professionals will be happy to assist you.