What is the Right of Permanent Resident Fee?

This is a payment in which you as the applicant along with your spouse/common-law partner will be required to pay.

When do you pay this fee?

You will be required to pay this fee before your Canadian Immigration Visa has been issued to you.

Will you have warning about this fee being due?

Yes of course you will. Every time you are in contact with the Immigration Visa Offices you will be reminded that this fee is due. With these reminders you will also receive notification that the Visa Office can’t issue your Visa nor can you become a Permanent Resident until it is all settled.

How much is the Right of Permanent Resident Fee?

As of right now, this fee is set at $490 Canadian dollars.

What if you can’t pay the fee?

If you are unable to pay the fee, unfortunately your Permanent Resident Visa will not be able to be processed.

Is this payment refundable?

This fee can be refunded fully if for any reason you or your spouse/common-law partner do not end up landing in Canada as Permanent Residents.

What if you can’t pay?

If you can’t pay your fee then the Visa Office will be unable to finish processing your application.

If you are already in Canada is it required you still pay the fee?

Yes, anyone who is 22 years old or older is required to pay their Right of Permanent Resident Fee.

Is there anyone who doesn’t have to pay this fee?

Yes, just like most other things there is an exception in regards to the payment of this fee. People who don’t have to pay this fee are:

What currency should your fee payment be in?

In most cases in terms of the majority of Immigration Fees they are to be paid in Canadian Currency.

Should you have any questions or concerns about this fee please do not hesitate to contact our firm and we would more than happy to look into whatever it is you need. We have the skills, organization and the ambition to help you to achieve your goals and succeed in the process. Contact us today and we will get you in communication with an immigration representative right away.